Project Components
Metatopia Multiverse is a vast project with many interesting
areas of development. This is a complete systems redesign from the ground
up with enhancements at every level of design. Initial efforts have begun
with the development of a traditional Internet/PC based platform that will
phase in new elements and transition as the hardware platform is developed.
Each of the areas outlined below will be included in this project. They are
not listed in any particular order. Each area will be updated with it's own
web space as development is undertaken. Following those links will display
status of each of the development areas as they progress.
If a section doe sot have an active link that means the area is yet to be develop, and is open for involvement. Please e-mail us with your interest and the requirements fro the given task will be made available. Please also check the help wanted section of SourceForge for active project recruitment.
Some of the following links are for active registered developers and will require password access to off-site servers in some cases. The particulars for a given project will be given to developers that have been accepted into a given project group. See the assigned project leader for your startup packet at time of acceptance.
In e-mail queries please list one of the following section titles in the subject of your e-mail so that it may be directed to the right place.
- Public facing web site
Help desk
Application installation
Web page management
Visor Firmware
Render Engine
Visor Apps
User Guide development
Developer Guide development
Developer Standards